Aquaponic Kits

We have spent years using our Aquaponics knowledge to develop the easiest and smartest Aquaponics Kits you can find in Australia. Because the method of Aquaponics is a relatively new way of growing your own fresh produce, it is not always easy finding the right parts for an Aquaponics System. We source the safest, cleanest, and tried and tested components to piece together successful systems which really do grow vegetables, herbs and fish.

Our poly tanks and grow beds are made from reputable manufacturers who have experience in Aquaculture and Rainwater tank industries. The growing media we use is sourced from the cleanest European clay to ensure a stable and productive system. We also are careful to pick reliable pumps and components so that the system will last.

Along with all the components of an Aquaponics System, step by step instructions are included. In addition to this, buying an Aquaponics System from the Patio System size and larger qualifies you for our exclusive video library to ensure you will maximise the plant and fish growth in your new system. Read on to see which system will be the most suitable for your fresh, tasty and healthy food needs!

When choosing an Aquaponics System, you should consider the following:

  • Number of people you are growing for
  • Space you have available
  • Wall or floor installation
  • Aesthetics
  • Number of fish and plants you can grow
  • How much produce per a week (kg)
  • How much money you will save on grocery bills
  • Power type
  • Lighting option
  • Price

To choose a suitable kit, the filters menu will help you decide which kit is best suited for you and your family.

Are you interested in creating a custom Do-It-Yourself Aquaponics System? We have all the equipment you need to create a DIY Aquaponics System and we can help you to create your perfect system. To get personalised help with your Aquaponics System, book a free consult today!

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