Tropical Region


Our Winter Veggie Patch suggestions if you live in the Tropical Region (Darwin, Cairns):

Beans are a great source of fibre and are very good for your health, especially the heart and bones. Beans are easy to grow and produce a lot. They are a climber, so they are excellent to grow in small spaces or even on your balcony!
Best to grow: April to July

Broccoli is a nutritious cool-season crop packed with antioxidants and rich in vitamins and minerals like Calcium. Of the Brassicae vegetables, broccoli is the most accessible to grow.
Best to grow: April to June

Beetroot is so simple to grow in your veggie patch as it is suitable to grow in most climates most of the year. Beetroot nutrients include folate, a vitamin that helps keep your blood vessels healthy, and potassium to help protect your heart.  Beetroot seeds are Harder and almost have a cork-like coating - soak them in water overnight before sowing to soften the seed coating. 
Best to grow: March to September

Fresh home-grown cucumbers are delicious, can be eaten at any time, and can supply vitamins A, K and C, and If you are short on space, you can grow them vertically! It makes harvesting easy and helps keep the produce free from pests and diseases.
Best to grow: April to August

Beetroot is so simple to grow in your veggie patch as it is suitable to grow in most climates most of the year. Health-wise, beetroot has a lot to offer; nutrients include folate, a vitamin that helps keep your blood vessels healthy, and potassium to help protect your heart.
Best to grow: April to August

Swiss Chard
Nutritional powerhouse! An excellent source of vitamins K, A, C, source of magnesium, potassium, iron, and dietary fibre. Swiss Chard is easy to grow and will be an excellent choice for beginner gardeners; it's safe and reliable. A single plant should produce for 12 months or more. Chard has broad, thick stems available in various colours: white, yellow, and even bright pink!
Best to grow: March to August

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