Complete EC & pH Levels Chart for Hydroponic Plants
Author: Aqua Gardening
Date: 10 December 2021

Complete EC & pH Levels Chart for Hydroponic Plants

In order to get the best results from your hydroponic plants, it is recommended to give them the optimal growing conditions. The handy chart below shows the recommended EC (electrical conductivity), pH (potential hydrogen) and the best hydroponic or organic soil growing media for each type of vegetable. Hydroponic grow media includes Clay Balls/Perlite, Coco Peat. Soil based grow media is shown as Terra (and includes Canna Terra Professional soil or a quality soil from OGS or Dr. Greenthumbs).

Seasonable vegetable grow chart for hydroponics and soil

The recommended season for growing each type of vegetable is listed in the format S (Summer), A (Autumn), W (Winter) and S (Spring). This seasonable vegetable guide is best suited to South East Queensland or the Brisbane area with a sunny dry winter and a hot humid summer.

Recommended EC & pH levels chart for seasonal vegetables

Testing and adjusting your EC & pH

How to test and adjust your pH?

The easiest way to test the pH of your hydroponics system is with a pH test kit or a digital pH meter. You can adjust the pH of your hydroponic system by choosing a pH Test Kit which includes pH Up and pH Down.

How to test and adjust your EC?

The easiest way to test the EC of your hydroponics system is with a digital EC meter. You can adjust the EC of your hydroponics system by either adding more nutrients to increase EC or by adding fresh water to decrease the EC.

Further Information?

We hope you find this pH and EC guide for vegetables useful, if you would further information you can: