Author: Aqua Gardening

How Do I Feed the Fish In My Aquaponics System?

Video Transcript:

Hi, I’m Shiran from Aqua Gardening.

Welcome to this frequently asked questions guide to fish feeding for aquaponics.

Feeding your fish is important to keep them healthy and nourished and growing so you can eat them down the track. But it also important to ensure they receive the right nutrition and aren’t overfed or underfed. Too much feed can have disastrous effects in your system.

The amount fish eat depends on a variety of factors, such as the temperature of the weather and the quality of the water. A change in either factor should be followed with a change to the way the fish are fed.

If there is a build-up of uneaten food in the fish tank or sludge in the grow bed which goes unnoticed, while you are still feeding the fish the same amount of food, you are likely to be approaching a disaster. Accumulating food encourages harmful parasites and bacteria, which will attack the fish. It also promotes a build-up of ammonia, which is a chemical that is extremely harmful to fish in large amounts. If a fish dies and is not removed from the tank, even more ammonia is produced and can quickly cause a domino effect resulting in more dead fish.

The good news is that we can help you prevent this situation, or rectify it quickly if it occurs. With a water testing strips or a water testing kit, you can quickly check the water quality in your system. If the levels of ammonia are too high, we have a natural product which will correct and reduce the ammonia to zero within a few hours!

If you’re continuously fighting ammonia and the water temperatures are high, you should definitely consider an air pump. The air pump will oxygenate the water, promoting healthy thriving fish, and beneficial bacteria promote more nutrient transfer to the plants.

With a lot of fish, a filtration system is necessary. They increase the amount of beneficial bacteria in the system and form a collection point for solid waste material. Visit the relevant products in our online store via the links below the video.

The best way to determine how much and how often you need to feed your fish is to observe their behavior and see their personal feeding habits.

In our members video library you will have access to our expert guide to fish feeding to find out not only how to feed the fish, but form a bond with them too! I’m Shiran from Aqua Gardening, safe healthy food which grows itself!