Our Vision, Mission & Values

Make everyone a gardener
This is a BIG vision, but we truly believe everyone and anyone can become a gardener in their own home, and we are here to make it happen!

Empower people to master their health by making gardening
accessible, sustainable, successful & easy.
It’s no secret that being able to grow your own produce at home is extremely rewarding, but sometimes can be hard to achieve.
Accessible- Making sure we have everything you need in a one-stop-shop, this includes products, knowledge, tools and advice that tailored to your needs.
Sustainable- Sustainability is the future of our world, we believe that our products provide a more sustainable way of gardening, if it's by improving your soil quality, move the ecosystem gardening methods and by promoting homegrown produce we can heavily reduce the food change impact on our environment.
Aqua Gardening is also working hard to reduce plastics in our delivery packaging and we are hoping to reduce it to 0% by 2022.
Successful- we can not achieve our big vision without the successful gardening experience we want you to have.
We will do everything in our power to make sure you are reaching your gardening goals! for the customers that have been with us for a while, you know we do not sell any product we will not use ourselves! and if your plants are not thriving, reach out, our customer success team is ready to help you out!
Easy- easy is the key for success, it is important for us that you know how to use the products you buy, that your gardens are easy to maintain and we every product we create or onboard has to tick this box.

Aqua Gardening is a vision mission and values-driven business, this is what makes us come to work, as every person in here is thriving to achieve our vision by living our mission and values, and we hope you can feel this vibe as a customer.
Health - Mentally and physically, for better growth whether it’s humans or plants.
Family - We value the community and our team like our family which contributes to a great atmosphere.
Knowledge - We learn, we share, we inspire.
Impact - Positive impact for a better, simpler and easier future.
Success - Customer success is the key to our success